Day 22 – averting church wars

Today began with a “Starbucks” meeting prior to the church meeting.  Unfortunately, I went to the wrong Starbucks so I was late (hey, my city has eight Starbucks!).  There were three of us who would later be meeting with two other leadership groups at our church and we wanted to make sure we had a plan before we arrived.  We formed a plan, met with the other two groups, and I think things went fairly well – Praise God!  I think we’re on the way to building bridges.  Hopefully, goodness, kindness and mercy will prevail moving forward.  Next Sunday, we have a congregational meeting, so it’s good that at least some issues have been ironed-out.  We will have some disgruntled people at that meeting, but we generally expect a few at every meeting.  This meeting will have more than usual, so the more the leadership groups are on the same page, the better.

Day 22 mood:  Thankful that this morning’s meeting went well – it set the mood for the rest of the day.

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