Making connections

OK, so even though I said I’d do no job hunting until after vacation, I still managed to have lunch with one very well-connected friend, who is going to have me talk to another person on Friday, I set up an appointment with the old ASD team to decide if we’re going to do anything new together, and I talked shop with my current consulting job (I put in another hour’s work for them today) to see if they had any leads.  The current consulting job might just be looking for people like me about the time I get back.  I’m not holding my breath, but it’s a possibility I would consider should it materialize.  I enjoy working with those guys.  The guy I talked to also reminded me that one of my former bosses now runs a small consulting “empire” that I could easily work at.  They’re right! – I have options!  If I go with my former boss, I’d also be working on a process I know, with people I know, and I’d finally get a chance to really learn Cadence EDA tools, something I’ve managed to avoid since 1992 (after taking three Cadence classes… then dropping Cadence tools in favor of Mentor tools).

The kids are at youth group now, and for only the second time in a year, Barb and I are home alone on a Tuesday.  What to do?  What to do?

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