Wow, busy weekend.
On Saturday, I had an early morning church meeting (elders) immediately followed by a dress rehearsal for tomorrow’s Christmas play (I run the lights). This took me to lunchtime. In the afternoon, with the help of my son and his friend who spent the weekend with us, we lifted that 60lb solid cherry wood cross-member on the custom TV cabinet up by 1cm. I had to redrill all the holes and move four of the eight screws, all while the two boys balanced the slab of wood on their heads; using their hands to keep it level in three axes. By the time we finished, everything looked wonderful, and the boys could then play Modern Warfare in HD, while being blasted with a sub-woofer.
Later that evening, we began to watch our favorite TV shows and realized that, with true HD, all our shows looked “fake,” especially the outdoor scenes. What once looked normal, now looked extremely cheesy, and everything looked like a daytime soap opera. The difference was astounding, and not in a good way. We had all lost our “suspension of disbelief” – the ability to get into a show or movie. If anything, we saw too much: the imperfections of our formerly gorgeous actors, or how fake a particular set looked, and a whole lot of bad acting we never noticed before! On the plus side, everything looked 3-D, even though we didn’t opt for a 3-D TV. So often, it seemed like the actors were going to step into our living room – everything looked that real! I guess we’ll need to get used to this, or watch our favorite shows in the bedroom, which only offers 720 lines of HD resolution.
On Sunday, I taught part two of my class on Advent, ran lights for the simply adorable Christmas play, then watched the 49ers lose to the Cardinals with my friend Jeff.
Over the weekend, my neck began to feel better as well, thanks to ice, Motrin and a lot of prayer. WebMD pointed to a nerve pinch rather than a muscle pull, so switching from heat and muscle relaxants to ice and anti-inflammatories really did the trick!
Oh ya, today I worked… and went home. The highlight of my day was going to Sonoma Chicken with Bob. I was supposed to have cabbage soup for lunch (for the next four days!), and who doesn’t love cabbage soup, but alas, it was a frozen block of “goodness” that I didn’t feel like melting today. Maybe tomorrow… maybe.