TV trouble

I had to stay home again to wait for the TV.  I had a 10-2 window, and it arrived just before 2.  When my son got home, we decided to hook it up.  We got most of the hookup done, then tried to slide the TV into the custom-built cabinet… custom built for the previous TV.  Amazon’s dimensions were wrong!  Width-wise, the TV was as advertised, but the height was off by an inch.  Even so, the TV should have just fit, but it didn’t — it was off by half a centimeter, 5mm, one-fifth of an inch.  We put the TV on the ground for now.  Sometime over the weekend, I’ll need to unscrew the top wood piece on this cabinet and raise it a centimeter.

My son and I had a thought about what to do with the old TV while we were working on the new TV.  My plan was to put it on my dresser in the bedroom, but that would be awkward, and we wouldn’t be able to see it well from bed.  Both of us had recently seen a wall mount that “telescoped” off the wall and allowed the TV to move at any angle.  By getting one of these, we could mount the TV near the ceiling and adjust by using the telescoping feature.  I had found one such unit on Amazon for $30 on sale (regular $190), but shipping was $45!  I thought maybe I could find something less than $75 at Best Buy so off we went.  Nope, the cheapest telescoping wall mount there was $230, and it looked worse than the one on Amazon.  We went home and I got the one online.  It should be here in the middle of next week.

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