What a difference a day makes! I will admit that yesterday was stressful – my A.M. phone call went fine, but my P.M. meeting was painful! Even so, I was highly productive during the day –finishing half of my Nehemiah Bible study — so the stresses didn’t get to me too bad. To combat all the inefficiencies of the past few days, I did indeed turn off my cell phone and email. They have been my main distracters. I did make a few phone calls, and I did send a few emails, but I did so only during breaks. My email was only open for a few minutes for the purpose of sending, not receiving, and my cell phone pretty much stayed in the charger after 9AM. This worked-out great, so I may do the same tomorrow. I still have another six to eight hours to go on Nehemiah.
And speaking of Nehemiah, I didn’t realize how much God would be speaking to me today as I did this study! Nehemiah fits my current circumstances to a tee, and I am certainly learning a lot about how to be an effective leader through this reading; I’m learning how to handle “church business” properly. I used what I had learned yesterday in my P.M. meeting and I think the meeting went better because of it. I would have totally handled the P.M. meeting differently had I not read Nehemiah today. Thanks God!
Day 46 mood: Encouraged; ready to dive in and finish Nehemiah. Actually, I feel ready to take on a lot of things.