Day 32 – Another day, another job interview

Another day, another job interview/offer; I thought this job search thing was supposed to be difficult!  Turns out, playing hard to get works very well, especially when friends are working on your behalf!  I have some awesome friends!  At the same time… God, what are you doing to me?  I thought I was supposed to take the year off, travel some, and perhaps change career fields!  I now have a start-up company that wants me.  They’d want me to work as a “consultant,” and then they’d like to bring me on board with a percentage of ownership stock should I want to go that direction.  Since they are in start-up mode, they can’t pay me now, but I could wind up as a part-owner later.  That’s just crazy!  To me, this is another ideal proposition.

Oh, and about my comments from yesterday’s post about the Mercedes loaner:  Yes, it’s still a “sterile” car, but I could get used to such luxury.  It’s very smooth, quiet, comfortable, and it comes packed full of useful features.  Driving around in this car all day put me in a very “Zen” mood.  Had I driven my yellow car, my demeanor would have been much different.  My little yellow car is more fun, but I get more aggressive when I drive it and when people look at my car, which they inevitably do due to its color and style, I get either annoyed or I get prideful.  It’s a brash car that makes me brash and obnoxious.  No one notices a white Mercedes – not around here anyways.  It is a car that makes one humble and grateful.

Day 32 mood:  Humble and grateful

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