Day 159 – God at work

Band practice was incredible last night.

Over the past week, I have been getting the sense that Company #3 is where I belong right now and in the future.  God does not seem to be pointing me anywhere else (though I’ll not stop asking for His daily direction).  As I prayed about this, I got the sense that I should initiate a discussion with company #3 on the possibility of me coming on-board full-time (since I’m working for them full-time right now anyways).

I have been surprised by their patience over the past few months.  They have not asked me to join them again since I said “not now” back in April.  It would appear that they consider me full-time already, official document or not (maybe because I’m also an investor).  I decided to ask some questions – to feel them out.  I was satisfied with their answers so I asked them to put a few things in writing — things that matter a great deal to me, but that no “normal” company would generally grant.  If I get those items approved, I will join them without hesitation.  (BTW, I got 2 of 3 of my requests granted at my last company, but they were never put into writing so when my boss left, the new boss and subsequent bosses did not honor the verbal agreement.  Lesson learned: Even if you are friends, get all the non-standard stuff in writing because things change).

The other thing that went on today at lunch was that we talked to another engineer about joining.  She would get the same employment package as me (minus my addendums, should I get those) and she would have to supply her own computer; like me.  Surprisingly, she said yes (I shouldn’t really be surprised: me and company #3 got together and prayed about it before we met with her – praying leadership is another huge advantage of being with company #3.  That’s got to be rare in the Bay Area!).  By Friday of next week, she’ll be on board.  Also by next Friday, I hope to be officially employed, Lord willing.

Whether or not I become “official” at company #3, I turned down the contract offer at company #1 today.  I didn’t want the distraction, and they were asking for several months of work on a process that I’m good at, but I don’t like too well.

Day 159 mood: Seeking God’s will.

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