Day 120 – Death to Bin Laden!

I’m thinking that if this keeps up, I will no longer be able to call this blog “Life After Work.”  It seems that I’m working a fair amount these days.  Today was another fun and productive day at Company #1, but I think we’ll be out of schematics and work by mid-week.  Good thing Company #2 is gearing up this week.  I could find myself with a void in my schedule otherwise.

I actually used work today to rest from my weekend.  Church and family activities wore me out!

Oh ya, last night, they announced that Bin Laden is dead.  I know that politicians and the media will make a huge deal of this and claim it’s a “game changer,” but the truth is that he’s been a figurehead for years now.  In order to keep himself safe, he all but cut off communications to his generals years a go.  The generals have been running things since that time.  Still, killing off a figurehead is a victory because it’s so hard to establish a new figurehead that people will follow.  It won’t change how the Al Qaeda insiders work, but it will change the mood of the outside followers.

Day 120 mood: Happily Productive and not dead like Bin Laden.

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