Day 99 – Start Something already!

My family is on Spring Break this week. I can’t expect to get too much done, yet I need to. I have two things that I would really like to get done by Thursday: An “Easter” class for Adult Ed, and creating/finishing a working IC library and process environment for company #3. The thing is, each one is a week’s worth of work, and I might succeed in one or the other… if my family wasn’t home. Based on today’s constant interruptions, I’m going to get neither done.  And so, I’ll try harder and work longer.

Truth is, I also really want to spend some time with my family because it’s not often that they’re off, and so I will definitely block out some time for them, in addition to the blocks of time I’ll need for the other two assignments.  In my former corporate life, I always maintained that family came before work.  Things should be no different now that I work at home.

In other news, I booked plane tickets and a rental car for our family trip to New York this summer. I’m kind of bummed that the plane ticket prices went up a hundred dollars (each) this past week, but I wasn’t ready to purchase the tickets last week so now I have to pay the consequences. Fortunately, I was able to pay for three of the four tickets with credit card points. That sure saved a bundle!

Today was also “bills” day. Last month’s bills weren’t bad, but our current burn rate is a lot higher than it should be (figuring in this NY trip). At our current rate, we’ll be out of cash in a little over a year. That kind of puts a crimp in any ‘round the world’ trip I might have planned for this fall. It also means that I’ll need a somewhat steady stream of income sooner than I thought I would unless we can cut down on the expense side of the equation. Maybe this is the kick in the pants I need to get moving on some things.  I need focus, purpose, direction and self-control.  Mostly, I just need to start my projects in earnest.

Day 99 mood: Perhaps this is a direction from God: Brian, START SOMETHING!

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