Day 95 – two more weeks

Another “extended” day at my former company; I thought that I might only be there for an hour.  I was there for three hours, but they were very productive hours.  I also talked to my former boss a number of times and he was very helpful and positive.  Alas, the chip ships out today and chip #2 won’t be ready for two weeks.  I’m “out of work” for two more weeks!  On the plus side, this means that I’ll be able to spend all next week with my family; they are on Spring Break next week.

Another thing that is brewing, and has been for a while, is the possibility of a friend coming to visit.  This is a big deal because she is coming from Kyrgyzstan.  She was my interpreter when I was there ten years ago, and we were pen-pals for eight+ years after that.  We have only recently stopped emailing each other largely because when I was in Kyrgyzstan a year and a half ago, I didn’t have time to visit her new office/facility, and that upset her; that, and because she’s no longer a teen-ager who needs my help or advice.  She’s now much older, and has two kids.  Emailing me is no longer her priority.

I really do want her to visit, but at the same time, she works for a different non-profit group than me, and there may be an agenda behind her visit.  I hope not.  I would love to have her come, but it could get awkward if her main intent is to solicit my church (there is a bit of history between our two groups because her group came out of my group.  The two groups have different philosophies, and they don’t always play well together.  My group is Christian-based, her’s is really not).  I guess we’ll see how this plays out.  My friend is already in the States, and she wants to visit on the one weekend in May that I’m away.  I hope she can be flexible in her schedule.  If not, then she may not wind up here, or someone else would need to take care of her.  Either would be a shame.

Hey, good news!  My friend Bery came over and showed me how to set up my blog site.  Starting tomorrow, I can start to build-up my site.

Day 95 mood:  Hoping that things can work out.  Happy to have a functioning website.

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