Study: Women dig dudes driving hot cars

I don’t quite know what to think about this article.  It claims that research has proven what men have known for a long time: Women are attracted to well-dressed men who own fancy sports cars.  It then goes on to state that the men who drive such cars are often single and looking for short-term relationships, as are the women who wind up in their cars.  Such women are NOT attracted to men, highly successful or not, if they don’t dress well and if they drive some econobox, like say a Honda Civic.  That type of man reeks of stability and commitment and is usually married.  It’s not that the women are gold digging, but men and their cars do give off “signals” about their success and commitment level.  I must be confusing those women.  I don’t dress for success, I’m very stable (and married!) and I spend most of my time in my Honda.  I simply like driving a sports car from time to time because it’s fun.  I’m not out to pick up women… other than my wife.

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