Keeping on my toes

Even though John and I are going very quickly on layout now, it may be a case of too little too late.  Bob is still designing and has yet to create two blocks.  If it takes him two weeks to finish those blocks, we won’t have time to lay them out.  Still, we’ll give it our best shot and see if we can just make it in under the wire.

I just finished one consulting job, and next week, I start another.  In talking with job #1, it appears that they have two more chips in the pipe for me.  I view this as good news – it keeps the cash flowing.  Maybe I can send a little work (and cash) John’s way as well.

The home schedule has been a little different this week.  I have more meetings this week and so does my wife.  We also have more kids in the home more often because other people also have more meetings this week.  Tonight, I’ll be providing taxi services and food for three youth… and then I’ll go to band practice as I always do on Thursdays.

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