Tunes and work

Today was a HIGHLY productive day at the home office.  Basically, I turned on the tunes and verified 11 chip projects (~1 hour per chip).  It’s too bad that I did the same work not too long ago on the same chips, but countless important improvements to most of the chips caused this re-verification.  I am now very confident that these guys will work, and now I can move on to the next very important project.

In the evening, I exercised while talking to my folks.  I should definitely use my exercise time to call people.  The time goes fast, and the elliptical has a spot tailor-made for my iPhone to fit in.  So far with the daily elliptical routine, calling and talking has worked better than: watching football, reading, playing “angry birds,” listening to music or none of the above.  I was thinking that I might try audio books as well.  The corner where the machine is located is dark, so difficult to read books/kindle, plus those annoying arms keep hitting the book.

A day later, I’m still enamored with Walk of the earth’s single “Somebody that I used to know” and now I’m just as big a fan of the original version by Gotye & Kimbra.  Who knew, but it turns out that the original version was the #1 song in Australia last year, and it won several “Australian Grammies” recently as well.  Both videos are unique and “artsy” in their own way.  I see them both as groundbreaking.

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