Manager or Professor?

I must get used to the concept that upper management is useful, but doesn’t (directly) produce anything.  It’s been years since I have felt like I have done so much, yet produced so little.  Upper management is all about interaction and coordination of effort.

This weekend I start teaching again (Advent Conspiracy).  I guess I’d better put some time in on the class on Saturday if it’s going to succeed on Sunday.  At the same time, I’m still doing the homework from the previous class taught by Randy.  His class (Chazown – about “vision”: seeing your preferred future) is telling me that I should be teaching A LOT more than I am now; my preferred future is teaching, preaching and writing.  Even my wife said that I should spend less time administrating Adult Ed for the church and spend more time teaching the classes.  She said this independently of my “discovery” that God built me to be a professor (and not necessarily a semiconductor engineer/manager).

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