A very nice couple of days!

My wife and I were alone much of Saturday.  The kids were off tide-pooling with friends.  Apparently, Saturday was the lowest tide in 3.5 years.  The kids were able to walk 1/3 of a mile offshore.  We went on a date (Indian Food!).

On Sunday, Bery and I were the lone singers/musicians – a little Simon & Garfunkel action at church.  It was well-received.  That evening, we had dinner at a friend’s house – too much pizza!  Hey, at least it wasn’t another turkey meal.

Today was an awesome day at work.  I did many things and none of them were layout.  I had on my Ops Manager hat on.  Tomorrow, I’ll do layout.

I’m also moving my writing focus to Bible Studies and (hopefully) a book I’d like to write, so you can expect these blurbs to get shorter.  I have attempted to write this book a couple of times, but I’ve never lasted more than a month.  This time, I hope things will be better.  This time, I have accountability partners to push me on this (and on weight loss, and on getting a physical).

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