Red does not work with the tan motif of our church

Work today was cut a bit short – some kids had vandalized our church overnight with a can of red spray paint, so we put together a painting task force.  These kids obviously had a limited vocabulary, and their main goal seemed to be to attempt to piss us off.  It did not work.  We prayed for them instead.  At 2PM, our group got out the paint supplies and painted over their graffiti.   The buildings needed a new coat of paint anyway.

I was so happy that my son decided to join us (the kids were off from school today for a teacher in-service.  The teachers went to the Apple store for “education”).  It only took us an hour to get everything covered over, and another half an hour for me and my son to wash all the rollers.  Tonight’s youth group kids will never know that any of this occurred.

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