Home Inspection Day

I was at home today because my house is being inspected as part of my refinance.  The guy came early, measured stuff, took pictures, verified that I have a carbon monoxide alarm (now required by CA law), then left.  It took 15 minutes.

It was my goal to work on my chip today, but I was asked to analyze some processes instead.  It’s been on my “C” priority for a while, but I guess my boss needs the process profiles now to compare with our current process.  This project took all day, and the outcome wasn’t positive.  A chip in the new process would be either 3x or 4.3x larger by area.  Wow, what a really conservative process.  The kinds of geometries used led me to believe that these processes were for the military back in the ‘60s.  They could easily cut the design rules in half and the chip would still work, so why don’t they?  To me, it seemed like a wasted day, but we did learn that this new process is probably not for us.

I picked up Courtney from her track meet later than usual today, which also kept me from attending a final call committee meeting.  I wasn’t too heartbroken.  Courtney and I did two hours of Study Island instead (I hate Study Island!) and then we played Battleship while watching “one hit wonders” on VH1.

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