Onward with vigor!

And so I begin this week with renewed purpose.  I’m going to attempt to work smarter, not harder, and stick to one task at a time.  I also need to allow God to rule in my life; I’ll be better off if I do!

The weekend was a little stressful in places, but on the whole, it was good.  I used my suddenly free Saturday to do some church stuff and (once my family woke up) spend time with my family.  Sunday, I taught, but my plan to use powerpoint and video failed – my computer would not work!  Still, by the grace of God, we got through the class, and might have even enjoyed ourselves a little.  The entire afternoon was spent with the Directv installation guy; crawling around the attic and the garage.  Between the two of us, we got an HD DVR installed in the bedroom, and a replacement DVR in the family room.  Yeah!  That old DVR was really frustrating.

Today, I did vendor management at work.  Looks like I’ll have more to do tomorrow as well.  After work, I put my laptop in the shop (Staples).  I think it is dead, but (for $70) I want to know for sure.  I would hate for it to be something as simple as a driver.

The evening was spent playing bass with my son and watching Final Destination II.  We watched Final Destination I yesterday.

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