When I started blogging, I did not realize how many people would write comments on such a consistent basis. Many of them ask me if I get enough traffic. Some want to sell me something. Most are obviously ESL folks from some former Soviet country, judging by their syntax. Today, I got 65 comments about dyslexia — sixty-five!!! I’d like to think that all this online love is due to my interesting blogs, but this is simply not so. I get regularly bombarded by spammers.
Now, I’m a realist — I know that very few people have ever read anything I have written; maybe my mom and a few others… and maybe not even my mom. I know for a fact that my family can’t even find this site, and has no interest in finding it. Basically, I write for myself. Why is it then that I get an average of 20 comments a day? Spammers – Spammers who waste my time; Spammers, who make it almost impossible to find the few genuine comments that I do get.
If you leave an honest-to-goodness comment, I’ll always try to answer it! If I don’t answer yours, you probably got lost in the pile of spam.