You kids have it so easy, with all your modern conveniences.
We had no running water.
I had to go to the bathroom in a bucket…
… we had no toilet paper. We used old books, newspapers and leaves.
And we worked hard on a farm, not like you slackers …
… you don’t know the meaning of a hard day’s work.
… all you do is play Nintendo
… we were so poor, we played with mud…
… and we liked it.
When I was a little boy, I had to walk many miles to school every day…
… uphill both ways…
… in the snow…
… on my knees.
Cars had only just been invented, but no one owned one.
Roads had not been invented…
And the world was in black and white;
you can tell that from all the old movies and TV shows. We didn’t even have sound until 1920!
If you were around when I was little, and you had to do all the things I had to do, you’d be dead by now.