Jun 042011

The Sower and the seed
Mark 4:1-20

Mark 4:1-20 is the parable of the sower of the seed.  This oft told story is justifiably famous because it tells of the various responses to God’s word, and it can help us assess where we are in our Christian lives.  It is also a very useful story for a new Christian because it is one of the few places that Jesus bothers to explain what he means in the parable AND he explains what a parable is.  I suppose this is why it is the first parable found in the book of Mark.  It’s a primer!

What is a parable?

So far in the book of Mark, Jesus has used miracles, Biblical passages, and the occasional metaphor to explain who he is and what he is about.  Now he’s ready to teach spiritual truths.  He uses parables, as he explains in verses 11 and 12, so that those who know God will gain understanding, and those who do not know God will become curious and want to come back to hear more.  The parable then is a metaphoric “teaching” story that only a few will understand.  To the rest, it will be a mystery.

So why does Jesus explain this one?

This teaching in parable form, it would appear, was as new to the disciples as it was to everyone else; either that or they just didn’t get it (those who had Greek teaching, “Hellenized Jews,” would have been familiar with Aesop’s fables, which were also in parable form).  In verse 13, Jesus becomes a bit ruffled by his disciple’s lack of understanding, so he explains the meaning of the Sower of the Seed so that they might have a point of reference, or a formula to work with.  Today, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us in our understanding of these passages (plus 2000 years of Biblical commentary – thanks guys!).  They had Jesus, the ultimate teacher.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in this passage, and then read Mark 4:1-9.  See how well your “ears hear,” then read Mark 4:14-20 for the true meaning of the parable.  How did you do?  What kind of seed are you?  What kind of seed do you want to be (the answer is “Good Seed” hopefully)?  How can this parable help you to see the traps the Devil is placing in front of you?

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