It sure felt like a workd day

I took no medications yesterday and survived.  Today, I feel great.  Sure, I’m still sniffling on occasion, but this cold seems to be gone!

I couldn’t take a sub job today because I had way too much homework to do and because I had a meeting with my (hopefully) temporary employers at my wife’s middle school for my student teaching assignment.  The homework took longer than I had anticipated: I worked from when I woke up until it was time for the meeting at 2:15.  I then worked for another hour after I got back.  I did finish though.

The teacher meeting went well.  I had two willing master teachers, and the approval of the principal.  Things were looking good, but then I got to the university.  I told my counselor about all that had transpired and she was excited.  The principal had had some questions on a particular document, so the counselor said she would talk to her supervisor about the possibility of changing the document.  I guess it was good that the counselor did this because it turned out that the supervisor questioned almost everything we had done to this point.  No previous student has ever, apparently, done both student teaching assignments at the same district, let alone in the same school.  Also, the document cannot be changed without reapplying for CA credential certification (translated: the document WILL NOT be changed).  Finally, my district had recently told the school that it was not taking any more student teachers this year — at least not at the High School.  OK, so I had worked to get two master teachers lined-up, and now the supervisor was throwing a wrench in things.  Things were running a little too smoothly…

I asked the suddenly very apologetic counselor if she would find out if it’s “the law” that I can’t do all my student teaching at the same school/district, or if it’s merely a tradition.  I have no problem with breaking traditions.  We’ll also have to see if my district is still allowing student teachers at the middle school.  If I really can’t use one or both of my teachers, the university had better find me one or two replacement teachers in a hurry!  I was doing the university a huge favor by finding my own master teachers!  Hopefully, they’ll get back to me tomorrow with some good news.

If indeed I have to make some modifications to the current plan, I can’t imagine it would be good press for the university.  The principal at the middle school, who has already questioned the validity of this particular university’s program, has already made a point of telling me that their district has never hired anyone from this program, and that based on what they have seen so far, it’s unlikely that they ever will except for the odd special case (like one of the other subs, who is particularly excellent… if only he’d graduate!; I don’t get the feeling that I am a special case so far).  Hmmm, just what have I gotten myself into?

van Gogh

I stayed very sick over the weekend.  Saturday was spent in bed watching Science Fiction movies.  Sunday, I dragged myself to church to teach a class on the Nativity then play in the band.  I pretty much went straight back to bed after that (watching the 49ers win in spectacular fashion!).  This morning, I felt a bit better, which is fortunate because I had a substitute job.

Today, I taught a “college style” class on van Gogh (powerpoint mixed with group discussion) to a middle school art class (four periods worth, plus a class of “year book”).  The teacher had asked me to do this ahead of time to help introduce her next unit: painting.  And depending on how her jury duty goes next week, I could wind up teaching the class some or all of next week.  By the last class of the day, my voice was gone from talking, but I did have enough stamina to make it through the day.  Yeah!

bronchitis and disaster movies

I’m feeling even worse today – perhaps on the verge of bronchitis.

I did a little computer work today, but mostly I rested.  Today’s disaster theme would be world-ending asteroid movies.  I watched “Deep Impact” and “Armageddon.”  My family came home towards the end of the second movie.  Jeffrey needed his passport number for his upcoming trip to Ghana (10 months away), but I just sent his passport to the social security people so he could get a social security card so he could get a job.  I tried to find his passport number by looking up old trips, but no luck.  Hopefully, my travel agent has it on file.

Tonight is band practice.  I don’t know how I’m going to survive.  I’m beginning to get a fever and my chest hurts from coughing.

sickness and disaster movies

I woke up sick.  Good thing I didn’t get a call to sub.

Actually, I would have turned down a job anyway – I had too much homework.  It took me around four hours to complete.  After that was over, I watched a disaster movie, which is something I do when I’m sick.  It cheers me up.  For years, I always watched “Independence Day,” but I have since widened my scope.  Today’s epic was the movie “2012.”  About the time that movie ended, it was time to go to class.  This session was better than most in that I actually learned something, but I still would rather have been home in bed.  I could feel myself getting worse (cold-wise) about half way through class.  My nose began to run like crazy.

Subbing in my wife’s class

Today I was both a presenter and a substitute for my wife’s class.  She has both “home economics” classes and “college prep” classes, so I got to do a couple different things today.  For the college prep, I did my college/engineering presentation – the same one I did on Monday at the High School!  For the other classes, we did kitchen safety.  All the classes were excellent and well-behaved.  After classes, I talked to the guy who will soon be my master teacher for my student teaching assignment and we sorted things out (when do I start, what are the expectations, do I have a second master teacher yet).  It was both positive and brief.  The “real” meeting that makes things official will happen next week.

sort of an off/sick day

I woke up sick so I did not take a substitute job.  It turned out that I still had a lot of reading to do for classes so I’m glad I didn’t take a job.  I did homework until 1PM, and then got very hungry.  I ate, took pictures of my now completed Minecraft Cathedral and posted them on Facebook.  I then took a nap until it was time to go to class.  It was not that thrilling of a day.

Awesome academy

Over the weekend, we played a lot of video games as a family.  I also did all my homework (yeah!) so I’m caught up.  I also concluded my Advent Conspiracy class at church.  We may do this class every year, as it focuses us all on what’s important during this Christmas Season: loving God and loving our fellow man (especially those in need).  The big news over the weekend is that we will have a new pastor!  We’ve been searching for three years, so we’re all really happy.

Today, I subbed for a teacher in one of the academy programs at the high school.  The class was called “business,” but really, it was all about computers.  Since the teacher called in late and was actually sick, there was no lesson plan.  No problem!  I figured that since I’ve spent 30 years as a businessman in the semiconductor industry, I’d have plenty to talk about.  I also had a powerpoint presentation in my pocket about my college life, the jobs I’ve had, and how it all culminated in the high paying tech job I wound up in.  The presentation lasted most of the class period.  After four classes, my voice was almost gone, but you know what – I had a great time in these classes!  The students were excellent and inquisitive and courteous – all the things I look for… and the reason why I want to teach at the college level.  Well, now I can add “academy” to my list of desirable positions.  The academy, apparently, has the best teachers and the best students.  After today, I believe it.

Alas, by the end of the day, I was also feeling the effects of an oncoming cold.  Looks like I’m going to be sick.  I’d better stay home tomorrow.