I need God too!
Mark 8:34-38, Psalm 25
If you recall, or maybe you don’t, I originally wrote these devotionals three years ago. As I reread this, it showed me how faithful God has been in my life. I am in a very different place than I was three years ago! I have a new job (the old one folded), I graduated from college, my devotional time has become much more stable, and I’ve grown closer to God. Things that tripped me up then are less likely to now, and I only have God to thank!
I am clueless about the ways of God! The more I learn, the less I understand. This week’s “life lesson” in my life has been a good example. I had every intention of typing up Psalms 25 over the weekend, then sending it out on Monday, but I never did because I was too busy doing the things I felt I had to do. The fantasy football league was drafting this weekend, so I spent all Friday night and Saturday doing that. I had thrown out my back on Friday, so I was in a great deal of pain. Sunday was church then an enjoyable outing with friends that lasted well into the evening. Somehow during the day, I had developed a rash all over my body that was now itchy, puffy and painful. Oh well, it would go away, I thought. My Master’s thesis was due on Tuesday so I spent 14 hours at work on Monday on my “day off” trying to print seven copies, only to find that my computer wouldn’t work and the color printer was out of toner. I went home frustrated. My wife asked if I had prayed about any of these situations. I hadn’t, and I was embarrassed and ashamed. I prayed. The next day, my computer miraculously worked, and I was able to find a five foot tall stack of toner cartridges that I just didn’t see the previous evening in the same 8 x 8 cubicle! My back was better. I thanked God for my thesis and my back, but I still couldn’t find time to type up my devotional for Psalm 25. With my recent promotion, my workload had gone from zero to the work of three men. Everything seemed to be due yesterday. The first thing I cut out was my morning devotionals because I saw them as a time waster. I had no time for God because I had “stuff” to do. Well, here it is two days later and I have accomplished absolutely nothing, and my rash is so bad that I’m going to the hospital right after I send this. Ya, it could be coincidence that all this happened at once, but I don’t believe that at all. God wanted my attention. Well, He got it! I’m to the point where I need God again, and I think that’s where He wants me.
I finally prayed and did my devotionals this morning and wow, what a message! Read Mark 8:34-38 and see if it doesn’t describe what I’ve been going through at least a little bit. Incidentally, when Jesus was talking about taking up a cross, He had not yet been crucified, so you might see this as prophetic on Jesus’ part. In my reading of this passage, I could see that I was placing all of my “stuff” and worries ahead of God, yet I would not let God help me in any way. I was being selfish and God put me in my place.
I next read Psalms 25, since I hadn’t got to it all week, and wow! what an excellent prayer for what I was going through! The timing was just perfect; had I done my Bible study earlier this week, I would have missed the “ashamed” connection between these two passages, which is what I needed to see and hear from God this morning. God truly does give us the answers we seek through the reading of His word. I encourage you to always look for the answers you seek as you read. God is talking to you. Praise God that He takes such good care of us!